Beginner's Guide

From Webwalker Knowledge Base

This is a quick guide on how to start using Webwalker App.

It doesn't cover all the available features or use cases, but it should help to start using it for LinkedIn campaigns.

Sign Up For Your Account

First, you will need to get your account if you don't have it already.

Go to Sign Up page and complete the simple registration form.

After signing up, the system will create a user and an account for you. A user can belong to multiple accounts in the app - if you want to invite your team members to manage your LinkedIn campaigns, you can invite them into your account.

Connect LinkedIn Account

Now you need to connect your LinkedIn account with the app.

Go to LinkedIn -> Accounts page, click "Add New", fill the account details and click "Connect". If the details were correct, it should start syncing within the next few minutes (check your email or phone in a few minutes, in case it will prompt for confirmation code).

After connecting your LinkedIn account, you might want to make sure it has the correct schedule - days of the week and time range when it should be active. It will be executing campaigns and syncing data only during the active time set in its schedule.

Load Contacts

Now you need to have some contacts - you can either upload a CSV file, or load LinkedIn Search results.

Keep in mind that it will be loading LinkedIn searches only while LinkedIn account is active.

Setup a Workflow

Finally, you can setup a workflow to process the contacts you've just added.

Go to Workflows page and click "Add New". Here you can either select "Simple" mode for the most common and straightforward LinkedIn campaigns, or "Custom" mode if you want to select a template or build the workflow from scratch. For your first workflow, we recommend to go with the simple mode first.

Setting up workflow in the simple mode is pretty simple - just follow the steps on the page. You can setup a LinkedIn campaign for inviting to connect (with or without follow up after connection), message existing connections, or like\endorse\view profile pages.

After launching the workflow created in the simple mode, you can edit it normally (just like in the custom mode).

Keep in mind that the workflow (just like LinkedIn account) has schedule setting and it will only be active during that schedule.

Congratulations - now you have setup your account and have a running workflow!