
From Webwalker Knowledge Base
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In the Webwalker App, contacts represent people.

To edit contacts, go to Contacts page in the app, or directly via this link.

In different parts of the app, you can click at the contact name or photo to either open a sidebar with details, or the contact page where you can see contact details, activity and conversations.

Adding Contacts

There are many ways you can add more contacts:

  1. You can manually add them on the Contacts page.
  2. You can import them from CSV\Excel file on the Import page.
  3. You can load LinkedIn Search and then either save it as a new Contact List or save specific search results as contacts.
  4. You can enable auto-creation for contacts for your connected LinkedIn Account and it will automatically create contacts once your LinkedIn connections, etc are loaded.
  5. You can use API and integrations to create contacts automatically from other systems.

Once contacts have been added, you can either edit them manually, or automatically via workflows. The app will also sync and match contact details from LinkedIn.

Processing Contacts in Workflows

One of the main features of the app is Contact Workflows.

Using workflows, you can automatically execute actions (or a chain of actions) over your contact list. You can automatically add\remove tags, or send messages and invitations on LinkedIn, etc using workflows.

You can also setup auto-enrollment for your workflow if you want it to automatically add contacts that meet specific conditions.

Filtering Contacts

Webwalker has very powerful complex filter feature, allowing you to group different conditions and check various properties so you could filter contacts.

You can combine various conditions (such as "Property" -> "Email" -> "Known" and "LinkedIn" -> (account) -> "Connection") into groups (using "AND" \ "OR" group types).

The same idea is also used in different parts of the app - for workflow conditions and auto-enrollment criteria, you're basically setup filters.