LinkedIn Account

From Webwalker Knowledge Base

LinkedIn account is your LinkedIn user\profile and it can be added into the Webwalker App and automated to help you with your marketing or other tasks.

To manage your LinkedIn accounts, go to LinkedIn -> Accounts page in the app, or directly via this link.

How to Get LinkedIn Account

If you don't have a LinkedIn account yet, you can get one for free at LinkedIn Signup Page.

LinkedIn offers Premium plan (which removes or rises many LinkedIn limits and allows you to use some additional features) & also Sales Navigator and other paid features, but even free LinkedIn account can be used with Webwalker.

How to Add Your LinkedIn Account to Webwalker

If you want to sync your connections, load LinkedIn searches or use your LinkedIn account in the workflows to automatically message or connect people on LinkedIn, you need to add your LinkedIn account into the Webwalker app.

  1. Go to LinkedIn -> Accounts page in the app, or directly via this link.
  2. Click "Add New".
  3. Enter your LinkedIn credentials (username & password) and click "Connect".
  4. Wait a few minutes for it to attempt to connect & start syncing.
    1. It might prompt for the PIN code from your phone or email - in case you'll receive a notification, go back to LinkedIn -> Accounts page, click "PIN" button next to the account and enter the code.
    2. If the credentials are wrong, it will also prompt for the credentials update, you can do it on LinkedIn -> Accounts page by clicking "Login" next to the account.
  5. After it successfully connects your account, it will start syncing its data (connections, etc) into the app.
  6. Congratulations! Now you can use this LinkedIn account in the workflows & to load LinkedIn searches, etc.

How to Avoid Getting Restricted

LinkedIn can restrict your account for various reasons. To avoid disrupting your workflow, follow a few simple rules.

  • Do not send too many invitations\messages on LinkedIn too quickly or during one day. The exact amount differs from account to account, but this is especially important for accounts with little (< 500) connections. Normally, it should be safe to send around 50-100 invitations and 100-200 messages a day.
  • Do not load too many searches from LinkedIn at the same time, keep 1 to 3 searches active.
  • Do not set schedule for your account to be active 24/7. We recommend to set your account to be active for about 6 to 12 hours a day.
  • For completely new LinkedIn accounts (i.e. just signed up on LinkedIn), we recommend to wait for a few days before connecting it to the app. Alternatively, you can enable special "safe" mode in the app for them to limit their activity.
  • You can also contact us via support chat in the app and we will be happy to help you setup your accounts and workflows in a way that is both safe and efficient.