Contact List

From Webwalker Knowledge Base
Revision as of 18:24, 5 December 2023 by Webwalker (talk | contribs) (Created page with "In the Webwalker App, contact lists can be used to group contacts. To edit contact lists, go to Lists -> Contact Lists page in the app, or directly via [ this link]. == Using Contact Lists in Contact Filters == You can use contact lists when filtering your contacts - e.g. to get only those contacts that are members of specific list, or exclude contacts that are members of another list, etc. == Using Cont...")
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In the Webwalker App, contact lists can be used to group contacts.

To edit contact lists, go to Lists -> Contact Lists page in the app, or directly via this link.

Using Contact Lists in Contact Filters

You can use contact lists when filtering your contacts - e.g. to get only those contacts that are members of specific list, or exclude contacts that are members of another list, etc.

Using Contact Lists in Workflow Conditions

You can use contact lists in workflow conditions.

Let's say you want to branch your workflow into two different paths depending on whether contact is a member of specific contact list or not. You could add condition with "List" -> (your contact list) -> "Member", and then send your contacts into different workflow branches if they are members of that list.

Using Contact Lists in Workflow Auto-Enrollment

You can setup your workflow to auto enroll contacts that are members of specific contact list.

This can be useful if you want to run specific workflow on all contacts once they've been loaded from a LinkedIn search, or if you want to exclude specific list members from auto-enrolling, etc.